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September 14, 2024

Alison Lee

Megan Khang

Gainesville, Virginia, USA

Robert Trent Jones Golf Club

Team USA

Quick Quotes

Q. Tell us about the bet with the caddies. I heard something was said on the first tee.

ALISON LEE: Right off the second tee, Jack, Megan's caddie, had said, oh, come on, guys, I want to see one of you guys hole one in. If one of you guys hole one out, I'll give you $500. I said, no, I don't need $500; I want you to take your shirt off. I didn't think he'd say okay, but he said, oh, I'm doing it.

MEGAN KHANG: He said, hell, yeah, I'm in.

ALISON LEE: Literally holed out five minutes after that conversation. Great motivation.

Q. There was no hesitation on their part?

ALISON LEE: Jack was immediate.

MEGAN KHANG: Shota was like, where's Jack? And he's like, I'm behind, and just literally -- Shota was epic about it, both of them. Crazy.

Q. Megan, you played with Nelly yesterday, one of your best friends, Alison today. How much fun is that? Seems amazing.

MEGAN KHANG: Honestly, sometimes you forget you're playing out there for more than what it is just because we're having so much fun out there, just chitchatting here and there.

And obviously Alison has a few friends that are out watching and they're pretty fun to hear. So we're just having a good laugh.

Q. Alison, Megan is arguably the biggest character on the team. What does that do for your own game playing with her?

ALISON LEE: For sure. I feel like Megan has one of the best personalities on Tour. She truly brings out the best in everybody that's around her. Her energy is so electric, and it's contagious.

Yeah, she can even bring the most quiet and introverted girl out of her shell and screaming at the top of her lungs. She's got something really special.

Q. I've got to ask you about the longest waiting birdie of the week. Ball is hanging on the edge of the hole, drops in. I don't know how long it was. It must have been close to the limit. Just talk us through the emotions on that hole.

MEGAN KHANG: That was great. Anna hit a phenomenal putt obviously with Madelene in for bogey. She knew that Alison had good chances at the putts. For her to pour that putt in, I was fortunate to be on a very similar line as her, and when that ball stopped over the edge for a little bit, I was like, no way.

ALISON LEE: It had to go in. It was going in the whole time.

MEGAN KHANG: The fans were hilarious. They're like, we've got to get it down. Very thankful to have that ball drop within the limit. It was crazy.

Q. Two more points on the board; you're getting ever closer. Does this change your mindset going into tomorrow, defending that lead? How do you approach the rest of the week?

MEGAN KHANG: Like Stacy has been saying, tomorrow we're going to go in 0-0 and do what we're meant to do out there, do our best, and put in some work.

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