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September 14, 2024

Andrea Lee

Rose Zhang

Gainesville, Virginia, USA

Robert Trent Jones Golf Club

Team USA


Q. You guys won the first hole of your match, never relinquished your lead. What was the key to the hot start?

ANDREA LEE: I think we both played incredible golf today, super solid. Whenever I was out of the hole, Rose was there for me, and whenever Rose was out of the hole, I was there for her. We both made a lot of putts and we just had so much fun out there. Just so grateful to have a partner like Rose.

Q. Incredible shot there on 13, holing out from the bunker. You said yesterday you guys really ham-and-egged it out there. How would you describe what you did today?

ROSE ZHANG: I think today was even more so ham-and-egg. I think every single hole that I didn't play well in, Andrea stepped it up and gave us a shot, and then vice versa.

I think just in general, we played so well, and we kept each other in it, made laughs with each other, and it was just a good time.

Q. Speaking of a good time, what has the overall vibe been with Team USA and the success over the last few days?

ANDREA LEE: It's been amazing. I think we have incredible vibes in the team room and on the bus rides home. A lot of carpool karaoke and a lot of laughs for sure.

I think this team is really special and Stacy has done a good job at keeping us together. It's pretty chill at the same time, not too serious. She kind of lets us do our own thing. But we just have so much fun with each other, and just so grateful to have this team.

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