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September 14, 2024

Alison Lee

Megan Khang

Gainesville, Virginia, USA

Robert Trent Jones Golf Club

Team USA


Q. I've got to start off with the eagle that you made at No. 2; that was sure a way to kick-start this match. You guys went 1-up and you never relinquished the lead. What was that moment like for you?

ALISON LEE: It was completely surreal, definitely one of the coolest moments of my life, of my career. Got to have one of my best friends there with me and a couple great caddies, and we celebrated just the way we wanted to. We had a lot of fun.

Q. You seem like the charmed golfer right now. Your energy and enthusiasm just seeps into whoever you're playing with. What has this connection with you two been like today? I know you're friends, but beyond that.

MEGAN KHANG: Honestly, if you couldn't tell by my voice, I've had a little too much fun. I guess you can never have too much fun on this team.

But like Alison said, it's always great when you get to play with one of your best friends. And what an electric start to the day. It was crazy that that happened. Obviously the caddies are going a little more viral right now, but honestly, we're just here having a good time and embracing the fans out here.

Q. It's easy to have a good time when you're ahead and winning matches. Congratulations to you both.

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