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September 14, 2024

Stacy Lewis

Gainesville, Virginia, USA

Robert Trent Jones Golf Club


Q. We saw a sea of blue on this board early this morning. Your team quickly turned it red and carried that momentum into this afternoon. How would you assess what your team has done so far in this afternoon session?

STACY LEWIS: It's been good. We actually got off to a good start. Most of the matches so far, we get off to kind of poor or get down early and then we have to rally on the back nine. But they've gotten off to good starts and it's nice having those first two matches, having some red on the board. But they're playing a lot of good golf. This format is hard. You have to make a ton of birdies, and it comes down to one putt or two here and there.

Q. The Europeans have been rallying in some of these matches this afternoon. You told me earlier how important momentum is. How is your team able to keep the momentum on their side over this closing stretch?

STACY LEWIS: They know no lead is safe in a Solheim Cup. You've just got to keep plugging away, keep trying to win more holes, and we've got to get as many points as we can going into tomorrow.

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