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September 14, 2024

Stacy Lewis

Gainesville, Virginia, USA

Robert Trent Jones Golf Club

Team USA


Q. It's been just been about an hour since I last caught up with Stacy Lewis. A lot has happened. We have seen shirtless men and we've seen incredible golf. What do you make of what your team has done to start this afternoon?

STACY LEWIS: They're having fun and they're going and playing golf. Just not surprised. I mean, I love the energy and we had the energy with that comeback that happened in the morning.

Q. You told me a moment ago this is all about momentum. What will be the challenge of your team keeping the momentum going the rest of this match?

STACY LEWIS: Just keep the energy up. These are two very long days. We've got I guess four playing this afternoon that got to sleep in. Hopefully keep the energy up. And we're going to definitely use this home crowd.

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