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September 15, 2024

Seamus Power

Newcastle, County Down, Northern Ireland

Royal County Down GC

Quick Quotes

Q. Ending with a birdie, how do you feel you played overly all?

SEAMUS POWER: Yeah, I played nicely. A couple disappointing mistakes on the way in there but besides that, it was a lot of good golf. Just had chances there on the back. I had a couple 3-putts and had one mess of a hole. A lot of good stuff and as you said, nice finish.

Q. How would you reflect on the week overall?

SEAMUS POWER: It was okay. I made plenty of birdies. I just had a few too many mistakes. That's going to be links golf sometimes. I didn't get a couple breaks here and there and made a couple mistakes and I'm six, seven back. That's how it happens.

Q. What's the plan for the rest of 2024?

SEAMUS POWER: I'm not sure yet. We are going to see after next week. Rest up the next couple days and see what happens from there.

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