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September 14, 2024

Harold Varner

Chicago, Illinois, USA

Bolingbrook Golf Club

4Aces GC

Quick Quotes

>> Congrats, Harold, on your day. Let's get right to it, talk about it. What's working so well for you?

HAROLD VARNER III: Thank you for the congratulations. I'm not that bad at golf. Let's go do our job. I think I'm starting to play pretty well. It's a great opportunity. As long as you look at it that way, good things will happen. It is what it is. It's golf. No one is going to die. I enjoy it. Obviously the finish wasn't what I wanted, but it's golf, so let's get back on the horse and have another go.

>> Your caddie told me you always seem to bring it on when your back is up against the wall.

HAROLD VARNER III: Yeah, that's good for you. How else do you grow? Yeah, it is what it is. We had 13 other events to play well, and I didn't, so yeah, I think it's a great opportunity, especially out here. Finishing top 21, you finish dead last or you finish 22nd, you get the same amount of points. It's not all that fair in my eyes, but it is what it is. I didn't make the rules, but I'm going to go take care of business, so I'm super excited.

>> Stats will be stats and they'll always tell us a story, but what part of your game has been letting you down this entire season?

HAROLD VARNER III: I just haven't hit it well. There's some other things going on. Life, everyone is going through it. I just get to chase a white golf ball around while I do it, and when you play bad everyone freaks out. It's not the end of the world. I'm not saving the world. I really relish this moment. I think this isn't too much of a big deal. It would be nice to be here and leading the tournament but being here and being 19th it's kind of weird to me. People think I'm not as good. I'm kind of pissed off, and that's good. That's a little fire in the gut.

>> You always have the best perspective.

HAROLD VARNER III: I think you control that.

>> Are you excited about next week? We have our team championships in Dallas. How are you feeling about that.

HAROLD VARNER III: I'm feeling great. I'm so pumped I'm playing with Pat Perez. It's going to be eventful. I'm super excited. The team part is my favorite part, always has been. I'd like to see more of it. But once again, I don't make the rules. But next week it is a team. It's going to be awesome.

>> You've just given us a little secret that you're with Perez.

HAROLD VARNER III: Who did you think I was going to be with? The two worst golfers should play together. I'm super excited. He's such a -- I've known him a long time. I've gotten to know him a lot better this year. You really find out who people are when they're playing bad. The stuff he's going through in life, it matters way more than anything that ever happens in golf. I'm super appreciative to be next to him, how he's handled it. I would not have handled it that way, so I'm obviously super proud of him, and I can't wait to make fun of him.

>>It's a different style of golf next week. It is match play. Do the 4Aces have a little advantage with your group of players?

HAROLD VARNER III: Advantage would be a strong word, but I think if we have the best attitude we can win. That's all match play is. When you lose a few, you're like, all right, I can get it right back. Advantage I think would be -- the Aces haven't played well this year, so you've got to play good golf no matter what format. Yeah, we're going to have fun. We can make some hay.

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