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September 13, 2024

Stacy Lewis

Gainesville, Virginia, USA

Robert Trent Jones Golf Club

Team USA

Quick Quotes

Q. About as ideal a day as you could have hoped for.

STACY LEWIS: Absolutely. I have to say in my head I was thinking 3-1 each session would be an awesome day, and it worked out that way.

The girls just played some unbelievable golf. What Rose and Andrea did, I saw them on 9 and they started making birdies, and they said, you can't leave. I think they were 8-under in the six holes I watched them play.

Q. It seemed like in so many of the matches, both this morning and this afternoon, it was kind of in the balance on the turn, and you guys turned on the after burners on the back nine.

STACY LEWIS: Really both sessions we didn't get off to a great start. We were down in a couple early, but really kind of that 6, 7, 8 range kind of made some birdies.

Certainly having Nelly and Megan go crazy, going out there first this afternoon helped.

But just proud of the fight. The girls really fought through it and fought through being tired and all of the above and got the job done.

Q. When the best player plays like the best player on the planet, it definitely helps, doesn't it?

STACY LEWIS: It definitely helps. I think the best part is when she came skipping out of that tunnel on the 1st tee. That's what I like to see more than anything is the energy she came out with, and the golf comes from that.

Q. It's also nice when both your rookies go 2 for 2 on the opening day, playing together this afternoon as well. How excited are you?

STACY LEWIS: Super excited. I mean, I expected it, just knowing their personalities. They're gritty. They're fighters. That's the reason they're on their first Solheim Cup in their 30s.

I expected it, and it's just been really fun to watch them this entire week.

Q. It feels like you're cheating a bit when you've got a mascot like Barack Obama in your corner. Come on, give us a chance.

STACY LEWIS: I know, I know, it worked out nicely that he's a member here.

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