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September 13, 2024

Rose Zhang

Andrea Lee

Gainesville, Virginia, USA

Robert Trent Jones Golf Club

Team USA


Q. An excellent match that you both put up. Talk about the cadence of this match. Started off and then finished it with a flurry.

ROSE ZHANG: I know. I think Andrea and I just had so much fun out there together, and we ham and egged it super well. I feel like in the beginning we kind of just held on, and we never lost that confidence in each other.

So we really just fought hard. It was nice to see some putts go in, see some shots. I was almost shaking when her shot holed -- or almost holed out. It was so cool to watch.

Q. It was an excellent display of ball striking that you put on towards the last half of the match. Early on, it was Rose that kind of kept you guys in it. What were you going through those first five holes?

ANDREA LEE: I got off to a little bit of a slow start, but Rose is so solid, I knew she would be right there and hang in there for us.

I was glad to make a run at it starting the 9th hole and had a lot of good putts; saw some long ones go in. Rose had a couple, I think, like 40-foot bombs she rolled in on the front nine.

Yeah, I think we just pumped each other up all day. It's awesome having Rose as my partner. I feel like we just supported each other and played really great out there. It was nice to have a finish like that.

Q. I mentioned some incredible ball striking you had coming into these greens, but I did notice you got some treatment from physio earlier in the round. How is your health? Are you a hundred percent in your fitness?

ANDREA LEE: Yeah, obviously health is number one. My body is the most important tool. Just got to take care of it. Just going to get a lot of rest tonight and come back charging up for tomorrow.

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