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September 13, 2024

Rose Zhang

Andrea Lee

Gainesville, Virginia, USA

Robert Trent Jones Golf Club

Team USA

Quick Quotes

Q. Andrea, just to come in, have that shot on the 14 with the grandstand of fans behind you, what were some of the feelings you had walking up to the green?

ANDREA LEE: I can't believe I hit that shot, to be honest. Had a 5-iron in, 170 to the front. I think I got a little bit lucky with the bounce. I think it kicked perfectly over the bunker.

I wasn't even looking, to be honest. Okay, it's on the green. That's awesome. I heard the crowd start getting louder and louder. Did it almost get in? Stacy's got her binoculars. I think it lipped out.

It was just super cool to have that finish with so many supporters and fans out. It gave me chills.

Q. To go against two strong competitors in Linn and Charley, it was back and forth in the front. You guys maybe made a change on the back. What was that change you guys had, or what was maybe different heading into the back?

ROSE ZHANG: Nothing really. I think we -- especially in the front nine it takes a lot of grit to really just play out the round. We really fought hard in the beginning, and I knew that towards the end we had it in us to really grind it out.

Being kept in the momentum, we just did what we needed to. Both of us ham and egged it and kept each other pumping the whole time.

Q. Ham and egged it well. Is it that Stanford connection?

ROSE ZHANG: You could say that.

ANDREA LEE: I think so.

ROSE ZHANG: Except this girl's the one that teases me the most out of everyone.

ANDREA LEE: Exactly. I give her the most, but I know she can handle it. We got called the Cardinal women out there. I heard a couple of those.

ROSE ZHANG: I did hear about that. That was cute.

Q. Last one. Stacy kind of walked with you guys a lot on the back nine. What was she maybe saying to you guys, or what were some of the words of wisdom she was giving?

ANDREA LEE: Her presence is very calming, I think, in general. She's very steady in her stature. And her being captain, having her inside the ropes and alongside us, it keeps us composed.

There's a lot of chaos outside of the ropes and the crowd, so with her there, it kind of calmed us.

ROSE ZHANG: Yeah, she keeps us mellow and humble.

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