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September 13, 2024

Stacy Lewis

Gainesville, Virginia, USA

Robert Trent Jones Golf Club

Team USA


Q. Sitting as part of the United States team now at 5 1/2 guaranteed after this final match on the golf course. What's your takeaway so far on today's matches?

STACY LEWIS: It's been a really good day. I saw a ton of good golf, and really things played out the way we were hoping. So just really happy with the pairings I was able to put out, and the players produced some great shots and some great scores and got us a ton of points.

Q. Obviously led off with great foursomes last year. What did you learn from that experience coming into this afternoon's session?

STACY LEWIS: Just having more balance in the four balls. The way our team is right now, we know four balls is not our forte. So I really put some focus on that.

Also just the energy, it felt like at times in Spain last year, it got kind of flat. So I wanted to make sure I had the right people out here with the energy. Certainly saw it with Megan and Nelly as they were skipping out of that tunnel on the 1st tee.

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