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September 13, 2024

Nelly Korda

Megan Khang

Gainesville, Virginia, USA

Robert Trent Jones Golf Club

Team USA


Q. It seemed like Nelly Korda just made nearly everything she looked at today, got the putter going, punctuated by that closing eagle at the last. What did you find on the greens today?

NELLY KORDA: I hit some solid putts in the morning, but obviously, getting out here in the morning, I saw the green speed and kind of saw how they were breaking. Obviously that was beneficial for the afternoon.

Q. We saw the high fives, the smiles. You two looked like you were just having a blast out there. What was it like teaming up with one of your best friends to win a point in the Solheim Cup?

MEGAN KHANG: Honestly, we've been asking for this pairing for quite a while. When Stacy told us we got it, we were pumped.

If you couldn't see it on the golf course, you must have been blind. We had so much fun out there.

Even when I missed a couple putts early in the round, Nelly and I leaned on each other saying, it's okay. It's awesome to have a front row seat to see some of the putts Nelly has been making.

Q. It's awesome to see the drives she's had as well, just piping it, what, on 12 and 15. Just take us through those drives.

NELLY KORDA: When you have a teammate who's so pure off the tee, you never have to worry. You just kind of send it. So that was kind of the motto, is I was going to go first and send it. If I sent it in the wrong direction, I knew had a really good partner that was going to go next?

MEGAN KHANG: As we know, Nelly doesn't miss it too often. What's it called, No. 10 they moved the tee up. Nelly was like, do you want to switch up the order? Heck no, I think it's working pretty good.

Q. I think we may have found a winning duo we may end up seeing again this week.

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