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September 13, 2024

Nelly Korda

Megan Khang

Gainesville, Virginia, USA

Robert Trent Jones Golf Club

Team USA

Quick Quotes

Q. I've got to ask, first things first, Barack Obama on the 1st tee. How special was that, and what did he say to you guys?

MEGAN KHANG: Super cool. It's always awesome when you have a former president come to an event like this. It just kind of shows the growth of women's golf.

I know it's his home club, but to take the time out of his busy day to come root us on. He just told us go kick some butt.

NELLY KORDA: Yeah. Team USA, baby.

Q. The crowds were significantly bigger this afternoon. How much was that a help for you both?

NELLY KORDA: Oh, my gosh, I think you kind of thrive off of the crowds, especially if you have someone like Megan right next to you that gets the crowd pumping.

We started already out of the gates really pumping up the crowd, and it was so much fun all day.

Q. You mentioned playing with Megan. Megan, playing with Nelly, world No. 1, how much does that bring out the best in you?

MEGAN KHANG: Nelly and I, our friendship goes back to Junior Solheim Cup days; that's how we got really close. Ever since that pairing back then I know we wanted to play on the actual Solheim Cup team as partners.

All the girls on this team are amazing. It's always great when you get to play with one of your best friends, though.

Q. Nelly, going out first this morning and this afternoon, it's obviously a big responsibility. What did Stacy say to you in that situation?

NELLY KORDA: Honestly, I didn't really -- I didn't see Stacy before my afternoon round till on the tee, but I feel like she trusts us and she knows that we're going to bring it.

And then the presence of hopefully getting that first point in the afternoon will be shown across to the other girls too.

Q. What's the story on the handshake?

MEGAN KHANG: Back to our Junior Solheim Cup days.


MEGAN KHANG: Courtesy of Suite Life on Deck. No, Suite Life of Zack & Cody.

NELLY KORDA: Suite Life of Zack & Cody.

Q. I was just posting, I think it's a Suite Life thing. That's amazing.

MEGAN KHANG: Nelly and I, again, have known each other since we were like 14, 15.

NELLY KORDA: We have some funny stories from junior Cup.

MEGAN KHANG: We have funny stories. Our dads are very much alike.

NELLY KORDA: We just bonded well.

MEGAN KHANG: It's private.

NELLY KORDA: Private; bonded well (laughter).

Q. When did you decide you were going to bring it back for today? Was it when you found out?

MEGAN KHANG: Honestly, midround, I was like should we do a handshake?

NELLY KORDA: Because I asked you on the tee or before we were going to go out, I was like, do we have a handshake? She was like, let's just vibe with it.

MEGAN KHANG: We'll vibe it. Do you want low? Do you want high? We'll just vibe. Whatever the vibe is.

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