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September 13, 2024

Rose Zhang

Lauren Coughlin

Gainesville, Virginia, USA

Robert Trent Jones Golf Club

Team USA


Q. Your match was a tight one throughout most of the day. Really seemed to turn, though, kind of on the back nine. What do you think changed?

ROSE ZHANG: I don't think anything changed. We had so much fun together. On every single shot, we've been laughing. We've been laughing with our caddies. Terry and Ollie are just a killer duo together.

We just had so much fun. You know, we had some clutch putts coming in, so that really kept the momentum.

Q. Lauren, your first ever match in a Solheim Cup as a rookie. How would you describe the experience?

LAUREN COUGHLIN: Yeah, incredible. I mean, look at the fans, 14 was quite a scene. It was pretty special. Yeah, it's been amazing. We had so much fun out there. We played great.

Q. You're both heading back out this afternoon. How do you regroup and get ready to keep this momentum going?

ROSE ZHANG: It's the same thing. I think everything comes down to routine and making sure we stay as present as possible. We'll go back and eat a little bit and then we'll go back out this afternoon.

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