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September 13, 2024

Stacy Lewis

Gainesville, Virginia, USA

Robert Trent Jones Golf Club

Team USA

Quick Quotes

Q. Talk about how the morning unfolded.

STACY LEWIS: It was a great morning. Obviously you'd like maybe to get that last one, but just the fight that those two showed. I just told them to go as long as they could and keep -- to get the crowd into it and get the crowd ready for this afternoon. In my eyes, they did their job.

Q. Did your lineup change at all compared to what you thought it would be in the afternoon?

STACY LEWIS: No, it was just what I had planned. The four that sat this morning, I wanted to get them all out there to play this afternoon so everybody played today.

Then just wanted to make sure the ones -- the four that played this morning that are going out again, that they were looking good and ready to go. Obviously they did.

Q. So many fans waited for hours to get in here.


Q. What would you like to say to them and thoughts on how this all went down?

STACY LEWIS: I just thank them because, as you can see, they're here now. That's important. We got the problem fixed from what I've heard, the problem has been fixed.

So we just appreciate those that stuck with us and still came out today.

Q. How disappointed were you on the 1st tee, though? It wasn't what it usually is.

STACY LEWIS: It is. It's disappointing. It is what it is. You play in these things for years, and things happen. Unfortunately, it was a big one.

But things happen, and we're going to fix it. We're just thankful for all these fans that stuck with us.

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