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September 13, 2024

Maja Stark

Emily Pedersen

Gainesville, Virginia, USA

Robert Trent Jones Golf Club

Team Europe


You two got off to such a hot start, 4-up through five holes. I saw Suzann Pettersen approach you on 16. What did she say to you about staying in this match?

EMILY PEDERSEN: Pretty much keep going. We were playing great and we felt like we were playing the better golf out there. We made a few mistakes. I hit it bad on 15; I made a mistake on 16.

Generally we were playing pretty good. Said to each other, if we keep playing the way we've been playing, we are going to win this match.

Q. It was a challenging match as the Americans battled back. How would you describe the day overall?

EMILY PEDERSEN: It's been a lot of fun. I was way less nervous this year than it was last. It was a nice feeling. Coming off a hot start, it gives us a good feeling because we know we can play really well coming off the stretch there.

The Americans started playing really well as well. Yeah, it was just a nice first round to get a little bit of excitement as well.

Q. You two worked well in Spain. First time in foursomes, though. What is it about this pairing that seems to work for you?

EMILY PEDERSEN: I don't know. We're both equally crazy. We're equally pumped. We're very similar personalities. We can pump each other up. I can tell Maja, let's get it. She can tell it to me.

We click really well. We're good friends, and we play good golf. So it's a good pairing.

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