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September 13, 2024

Rose Zhang

Lauren Coughlin

Gainesville, Virginia, USA

Robert Trent Jones Golf Club

Team USA

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Rose and Lauren after your victory in the foursomes on Friday. Just talk about the momentum that you guys kind of picked up here on the back nine.

LAUREN COUGHLIN: I feel like we were playing well all match, and then we just finally started getting some putts to go in. But I feel like we played super solid the whole round.

We just finally started scoring well there at the end.

ROSE ZHANG: I couldn't agree more. We kept the momentum going. Even if the other person didn't hit the best shot, we had each other's backs no matter. There were definitely no sorries. So we had a good time.

Q. I'm sure you heard the other match wrap right before you guys. What kind of feelings did you have after hearing some of those cheers?

LAUREN COUGHLIN: That was pretty awesome. I had kind of seen some scores so I kind of knew they were 1-up through 14. When I think Ollie said they just finished up the match, I was like, oh, sick, good job.

ROSE ZHANG: Both of them were silent assassins, I'd say. They're just such a duo, and it was so cool to hear that cheer when they picked up that win.

Q. If they're assassins, what are you guys?

ROSE ZHANG: What are we? I don't know.

LAUREN COUGHLIN: We're just laughing. We were laughing the whole time.

ROSE ZHANG: Ththe little dumb --

LAUREN COUGHLIN: That was Terry. Terry does it all the time. Apparently Ollie was saying he was tired of seeing it on the Euro side, so he wanted it on the U.S. side.

Q. Lauren, 1st tee shot, how did that compare to what your expectations were with not as many fans there?

LAUREN COUGHLIN: I think -- I don't know. I think I mentally prepared myself really well. I was pretty nervous actually yesterday. I wasn't too bad today. I think I'd done a really good job of trying to prepare myself mentally for what I might feel.

I don't know, I think I just felt super prepared and was able to hit it right down the middle.

Q. Don't know if either of you heard about the delays for the fans today. They had multiple hour-long waits on shuttles. What was it like to play with less fans in the early part of it?

LAUREN COUGHLIN: It's early morning. I feel like I wasn't necessarily surprised there wasn't a ton of people out. It's Friday morning. They're showing up now, so that's all that matters.

ROSE ZHANG: There's a lot of people now.

Honestly, I think in the early morning too, there were a decent amount of people already. So it wasn't like there was no one. It was still good energy.

LAUREN COUGHLIN: Good energy for sure.

Q. There were a ton of people waiting to get in is the thing. That's what was making people upset is they were there, and the bus system was messed up. Do you have any comment about the LPGA preparing for events like this?

ROSE ZHANG: It's difficult. There's so many people, a lot of logistics. Should be resolved now, so it's not really a big deal.

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