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September 13, 2024

Nelly Korda

Allisen Corpuz

Gainesville, Virginia, USA

Robert Trent Jones Golf Club

Team USA

Quick Quotes

Q. You two went back and forth, a lot of momentum shifts in this match. What was the key to turning it in your favor?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: I think we played solid the whole day; just made a few mistakes early. Saw some shots go in. Nelly hit a few approach shots and set me up, but was able to flip it in the last few holes.

Q. You're the first American duo to win three consecutive foursome matches. What is it with you two that seems to work so well?

NELLY KORDA: We just vibe really well. As Allisen said, when one of us didn't hit it well, we really relied on each other and kept calm out there and knew there were more opportunities.

I have such a great partner. She comes up clutch every single time. Couldn't have asked for a better one.

Q. How clutch was it to be able to put the first point on the board for the U.S. side?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: It's just so exciting. We knew we'd be the first match out yesterday, and to just go out there early and set the tone for the rest of the team.

Q. Not to take away from the match whatsoever, but there were some issues with fans waiting to get into the event this morning. Took issues with shuttles and stuff. There were some seats empty on the 1st tee. Wonder if you guys noticed anything or if you heard about it?

NELLY KORDA: Obviously you notice that the stands aren't full, but what matters is everyone is out here now cheering for us loud.

Obviously we have no part in the transportation issues. With the amount of people that are coming in, I know they're breaking records with the amount of attendance, it's going to be tough to get everyone in smoothly.

So I think it's a learning curve, and hopefully they can improve every single day. But the crowds right now are amazing, and we heard them loud and clear from the 1st hole.

Out there we've got each other, and that's what matters too the most.

Q. When did you notice the fans picking up?

NELLY KORDA: Probably back nine.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, even on the front nine, like 4th, 5th hole, everyone kind of started trickling in.

Q. Allisen, your putting was really good today. Nelly mentioned it, I think, on TV. Just how much do you think that helped the match there?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, we made a really good birdie on 12, and then I hit it in the water for you on 14.

NELLY KORDA: It's okay.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: But made a really good par putt there. I just think any time you make a longer putt, it kind of gives you a little more momentum.

It felt like we were playing really well all day long; just burned a lot of edges in the first few holes and was able to see them going in.

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, they also made like three birdies in five holes. They played really well as well. I feel like we just stayed really consistent.

We hit a lot of fairways. We hit a lot of greens. And we gave each other good looks.

Q. Nelly, this morning you warmed up around the European team. What was it like to have the Europeans getting ready around you while you were warming up?

NELLY KORDA: Honestly, I didn't really care. I was just focused on my thing and my process and getting ready for my match. I mean, I warm up next to them every single week, so for me it was just like another week really.

Q. What does it feel like to close it out the way you guys did? How does that carry momentum onto the afternoon sessions?

NELLY KORDA: For sure. Whenever you get to finish on a positive note, it gives you a little more pep in your step going into the afternoon.

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