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September 12, 2024

Seamus Power

Newcastle, County Down, Northern Ireland

Royal County Down GC

Quick Quotes

Q. A game of two halves, as the old phrase goes?

SEAMUS POWER: Yeah, that was a strange one. I didn't do a ton wrong. Struggled on the more exposed greens on the front for sure, two, three putts from no distance and a bad tee shot off the first.

Besides that, it's tricky out there. The front nine is very tricky. Disappointing with the finish.

Q. Just the way you started obviously, you holed a lot of putts on the front nine. To a certain degree, did you run out of juice in that regard?

SEAMUS POWER: It was just different. I underestimated the difference. A lot of the greens on the back are much more sheltered than I kind of realised until today. Obviously the Pro-Am yesterday, I only played the front and they were all tough going.

The back is actually much easier to putt on, at least I thought. You've got 18 sheltered by the grandstand and then some of the gorse bushes and stuff like that. I struggled on the front. I did hit some good putts, but you get a little gust in the air, and there's not much you can do.

Q. 15, you're a long way coming back in there.

SEAMUS POWER: Oh, yeah, I half-skied the thing. I was lucky. I thought it was going to come all the way back.

Q. There's a lot of thinking to be done on this course.

SEAMUS POWER: There is. There is. It's just in general, it doesn't give you much of a break. There's a lot of good holes. You know, the first is a bit of -- 18 and 1 was kind of the turn, I felt really good. I thought had I hit a good second shot into 18. Had the wrong bounce and didn't make birdie and then obviously hit a bad tee shot off the first and made a six. Kind of got me on the back foot. That's kind of golf. I three-putted the second as well. So all of a sudden you're back to even, and that's a tough stretch coming up there, and you kind of need a couple shots.

But did a lot of good things, so that's kind of the frustrating part but just didn't handle the greens on the front side which is poor.

2-, 3-under is going to be a very good score. It's tricky. Because even if you hit good shots, you need the right bounces, and even if you hit a good shot at 10, 12 feet, it can be tough on certain greens.

There's a couple good chances that you kind of need to take and I didn't really take them, especially on the turn there. It puts you going the wrong way and obviously disappointing way to finish there. I had a couple of lovely shots and then made a mess of it.

But that can happen. You get a gust of wind at the wrong time, and it happened to me there. But it happens sometimes in the wind.

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