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September 11, 2024

Seamus Power

Newcastle, County Down, Northern Ireland

Royal County Down GC

Quick Quotes

Q. Must be good to be back. How exciting to be here?

SEAMUS POWER: Yeah, obviously gutted to miss last year. Two years ago, an unbelievable experience. Looking forward and playing at an iconic course like Royal County Down adds so much to it. The fans seem to really get enthused when you hit good shots. Looking forward to it.

Q. What do you anticipate the conditions to be like?

SEAMUS POWER: Yeah, the course is in great conditions and you're going to have some chances.

Q. How would you evaluate your season and how does it compare --

SEAMUS POWER: Yeah, it's gotten better as the season has gone on, so that's encouraging. I don't know it will translate from Memphis a few weeks ago -- it's going to be very different. But it's going to be really fun. Could be a very enjoyable week.

Q. The opportunity to earn those Ryder Cup points has already begun. Is that something on your mind?

SEAMUS POWER: Yeah, it would be a dream to play in New York next year. Excited to get going, and it's going to be a battle to get in there. Don't want Luke to have to make a tough decision, so I'll try to qualify automatically and do my best.

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