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September 10, 2024

Soren Kjeldsen

Newcastle, County Down, Northern Ireland

Royal County Down GC

Quick Quotes

Q. It might feel like yesterday but it's nine years since your famous victory here at Royal County Down. How nice to be back?

SØREN KJELDSEN: It's amazing. Haven't been back since so obviously something I've really been looking forward to, and just having played the course now, lots of memories coming back. So yeah, all good.

Q. Tell us about that victory in 2015, especially that final day. It was brutal out there but managed to get it over the line in the playoff.

SØREN KJELDSEN: Yeah, so I played really got first three days and then Sunday was just, the weather was so bad. It was just a matter of trying to hold on and just about did it. So yeah, it was hard work. I had my old caddie, Alistair, on the bag and he was amazing. Yeah, special memories for us.

Q. What was the biggest memory you had out there today?

SØREN KJELDSEN: Yeah, there were a few things. Like walking up 18, you realise, I hit a 3-wood into that in the playoff and it's a pretty small target, that.

So today, I looked at it and I couldn't quite believe that I pulled off that shot. But yeah, little things like that, certain shots that you remember and situations and stuff like that. So great to be out there again.

Q. You've won a lot during your career but when you look back, winning at such a renowned venue and a National Open as well, would you rate it as your biggest win in your career?

SØREN KJELDSEN: It's very difficult, victories, they have their own little story. When I won the World Cup with Thorbjørn Olesen, it's special to win something with somebody, as well. You know, first win Volvo Masters, they are all special. But obviously The Irish Open is very historic event and a lot of great winners and it's a tournament Danes have done well in as well.

Of course this one is really special for me.

Q. We hear with this golf course being ranked so highly around the world. What is it about it that makes it so special?

SØREN KJELDSEN: I think the variation of holes. I think we just played now, there wasn't one shot that you shouldn't hit. You know, in the 18 holes. You know, sometimes you've got to ride the wind and sometimes you've got to hold it up. You've got to hit it low, high. Around the greens, you've got to have great imagination. Putting the greens are beautiful, but with the wind, the putting is tough.

I think the better you are as a golfer, the more you appreciate when a course asks all the questions, and this course certainly does.

Q. You're a little older, a little wiser as well. How do you feel the challenge will be this week?

SØREN KJELDSEN: Obviously the field is amazing. So a lot has happened in nine years. Hopefully a little bit of knowledge for me for having played it before and done well here before, but you know, yeah, competition is incredible. So I need my best this week.

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