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September 2, 2024

Iga Swiatek

New York, New York, USA

Press Conference

I. SWIATEK/L. Samsonova

6-4, 6-1

THE MODERATOR: Iga, if you would, your thoughts on the win.

IGA SWIATEK: Well, again, I'm really happy with my performance. At the beginning we kind of played, you know, serve by serve. But I'm happy that I waited for the right moment and I got my chance on the return game and I broke Liudmila.

And then second set I was just kind of, you know, pushing even more, with big confidence, so I'm happy with the score.


Q. Top players have that ability to kind of exchange those service holds and then seemingly in the last couple of games of a set make that move and break, almost seemingly at will. At least that's what it looks like on our side. What do you chalk that up to? Is it a mental thing that I'm gonna break here?

IGA SWIATEK: Honestly sometimes I get this kind of feeling but I wouldn't say that was the case tonight and on this tournament overall, because I felt like I've been always pressuring on my returning games. In my previous match, I had also like many breakpoints but I just didn't use the right one to win the point and win the game.

But I know that if I'm gonna keep pushing, then there is, like, a bigger probability that also I'm going to have more chances in the future. If I only use one of them, it's going to be fine.

Q. What memories from winning here two years ago have stayed with you the most? When do they pop into your head?

IGA SWIATEK: Well, mostly I take a lot of experience from the tournament, but memories, I think I have the most memories from our final match against Ons. Random moments and not, like, so often as you might think, because usually I just look forward. So sometimes, but I can't really say when. Not on court, for sure, because I'm just focused on what I want to do right there, not two years ago.

Q. So speaking of looking forward, what are your thoughts on the keys to the next matchup?

IGA SWIATEK: Well, tactically, I can't really say a lot. I just went off court, but against Jessie, it's never easy. It's going to be, for sure, a tough one, because she plays really, you know, flat ball with no spin. You have to really work low on your legs.

For sure she's in a good rhythm right now, and she won, you know, so many matches past weeks, that for sure it's going to be a challenge.

Q. You faced Jessica two years ago during your run here. What do you remember about that match and just kind of playing here in this setting?

IGA SWIATEK: I don't remember a lot (smiling). I remember it was the first match in 2022 where I felt the ball is listening to me a little bit more. That's the only thing. I don't remember specifics of how that match even went. I don't even remember the score, so I can't really say a lot. Sorry. I haven't watched this game after, so yeah, that's why probably.

Q. What is your opinion on new rule regarding spectators? They are allowed to come in the stadium after every single game.

IGA SWIATEK: I think it's something that we have to adjust to and something that I have to work on in terms of getting my focus in the right place. For sure I'm gonna kind of wait when people behind my opponent are walking, because I want to see clearly when she throws the ball. I don't want to lose it when somebody moves.

So I think this is the only part where I'm just gonna, you know, wait. I think the chair umpires, they are allowing that for now. I hope it stays that way.

I don't mind them moving on the sides, especially on a big stadium like here. I don't think, yeah, it can make you be -- I don't know. You can keep your focus here. For sure it's going to be more difficult on smaller stadiums, I would say, when the people walking are going to be closer to you, but I don't know. We'll see.

For now it's been fine. I played two tournaments with this rule, and I feel like I could focus, so that's fine for me.

Q. In Cincinnati you joked, I think, in the pretournament press that you don't remember how you won this tournament two years ago. How serious were you when you said that? I don't know. Were there learnings from it that you can apply here? Or is it just blank slate?

IGA SWIATEK: Well, I was, like, 50% serious and 50% was a joke, because basically, for sure, I wasn't, you know, I wouldn't say I played my best game or whatever that year. So it was a big surprise for me that I could win this tournament, because I felt like I kind of won it ugly, you know.

That's why probably I felt like this, but I also know how I was fighting, you know, every match for every ball and my defense was pretty great. So on the other hand I understand why I won this tournament, you know, yeah.

Q. What do you appreciate most about playing at Ashe Stadium?

IGA SWIATEK: I don't know. I just like it overall. It's hard to pick one thing. For sure the crowd is great and giving us a lot of support, but on the other hand I want to stay in my bubble so it's hard for me to, like, say that straightaway, because I want to keep being focused, even though it's a little bit louder than on other stadiums.

I just like it. I don't know, I like it, overall I like big stadiums. I got used to it, so I'm pretty happy I can play on Ashe.

Q. You're serving remarkably well at least results-wise here...

IGA SWIATEK: Don't jinx it.

Q. I might have already done it but it's too late. But what do you feel is clicking on your serve? Is it the actual serve itself, like the first strike, or just how you're managing those service games?

IGA SWIATEK: Well, I started focusing on a different thing when I serve and before the movement, so maybe that's why, but I'm not going to go into details.

But I don't know. Honestly, I feel like I was serving pretty well for most of the season, so I just keep, you know, doing the work that we already started and I know it's a process and you always have to remind yourself on the right things, and I feel like I have been having a good rhythm this week with my serve.

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