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September 4, 2024

Grigor Dimitrov

New York, New York, USA

Press Conference

F. TIAFOE/G. Dimitrov

6-3, 6-7, 6-3, 4-1 [Ret.]

THE MODERATOR: Grigor, obviously medical issues. Your thoughts on the evening.

GRIGOR DIMITROV: Well, not that much to say right now. I mean, first of all, you know, congrats to Frances. Fought very hard. Played good tennis. Really good tennis, actually.

Yeah, it's just disappointing moment for me. I need to, yeah, need to reassess a couple of things. But considering how, you know, I have played throughout the whole weeks here, you know, I'll take that quarterfinal any time.


Q. Tough luck. So was it cramping that happened with the legs, and was that sort of a buildup from the brutal match on Sunday?

GRIGOR DIMITROV: Yeah, I think it's a combination from everything. Clearly my rehab process is a little bit slower than before. I mean, I felt a couple of things in prior the match.

So yeah, I think there's really no point to talk about that. It's the game. It's just the game, and I need to keep my head up.

As I said, I just need to reassess a little bit of certain things that I can change. Can maybe do a little bit better. Also physically to the way that I have been preparing.

But again, given all the circumstances from Montreal up until now, I mean, I wasn't really sure I'd be even able to do, like, as well as I wanted to do. And again, that's what I'm saying I take this quarterfinal any time.

But again, I don't want to discredit the match that also Frances played. I mean, he also pushed me a lot to try to work extra, so, I mean, definitely deserves the credit.

Yeah, we're moving forward.

Q. Sorry about that, Grigor. Just to clarify, but was this something you were saying you were feeling at the beginning of the match? I only ask because the second set was so different when you were able to get going. Did something happen?

GRIGOR DIMITROV: Yeah, that's what I'm saying. It accumulates. You just never know, like, how, you know, with the stress, with the amount of effort we're putting into the game.

As I said, you know, last couple of days have not been the easiest at all. So I wish I could pinpoint something to give you more on that, but at the moment it is what it is. That's why I'm saying I just need to brush that one off right now and focus for what's ahead.

A lot of good things around the corner.

Q. As the problem was getting worse, what was going through your mind in terms of the decision you had to drop out or to continue?

GRIGOR DIMITROV: You know, it's the second slam in a row that this happened, so, I mean, what can I say? I think I have enough experience in myself to know where it's no point to continue any further on that, and I think it's just simple as that. Do I like doing it? No, but that's that.

I mean, that's what I'm saying. Just real, like, accumulation throughout the days, and I think that's why it's clearly not an easy pill to swallow right now.

Q. Was it a problem with your hip? Looked like it might have been. Or your hamstring?

GRIGOR DIMITROV: Honestly, I cannot, as I said, pinpoint everything. I need to cool off a little bit and see what the thing is, do all the scans and all that.

I highly doubt that this -- I mean, to something to that extent, but I think where I'm at, there's no point to risk things.

But I've always pushed myself and my body, you know, to the limit, but, you know, there comes times where you just have to make an executive decision, and, yeah, I made it today.

Q. You mentioned that this is something that you have to brush off and move forward. As you're deeper into your tennis career, how much harder is it to brush off an opportunity to make it to a semifinal? How do you mentally get yourself prepared to brush off something?

GRIGOR DIMITROV: Yeah, great question. It doesn't get easier, I tell you that much. But when you've done certain things a certain way throughout your career, I think a lot of moments, like, outside of tennis, really humble you in a very different way. That's why when I have something like that comes around, I mean, for sure I take it and I hurt with it, yeah, you have to. I don't want to just, like, brush it off, like, that's fine.

No, I put it aside, but also I have a lot of exciting things ahead of me. You know, I can say, okay, I'm going to get home, try to rest a little. I have an amazing exhibition coming around the corner to do with Novak. You know, heading to Asia after, finish the year off.

So you see, when you put it that way, I mean, of course you want to be here and fight for the trophy, but, you know, there's always, you know, brighter future in that sense.

So will I hurt? Yeah, for sure. Of course. And it should. But I just don't want to just put it aside. I just want to also reassess myself and everything that I've been going through, you know, throughout this past three, four weeks and see the plus and the minuses, what can I improve, what I could have done better, what I need to do.

So I think all in all, all these things are putting some sort of like a positive moment for me and then when you start focusing on these things, everything else kind of fades away. So time heals on that end.

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