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September 5, 2024

Jannik Sinner

New York, New York, USA

Press Conference

J. SINNER/D. Medvedev

6-2, 1-6, 6-1, 6-4

THE MODERATOR: If you would, your thoughts on the win.

JANNIK SINNER: Yeah, tough match obviously, but happy to be in the next round. Obviously we knew each other quite well, so was tough match, and I'm very happy.


Q. How are you able to, just with everything going on, entering this tournament with the positive tests and all that other stuff, how are you able to kind of stay focused and not let the other stuff distract you?

JANNIK SINNER: I have my team and my people who are close to me. You know, they know me, they know I always stick with the people who know me and believe me.

It's a very important part. And obviously, I'm very happy to have them, you know, coach-wise and also off the court.

Yeah, obviously in the beginning was a bit, was a tough situation, but, you know, day by day it went better. So yeah, I'm happy about that. Let's see now in the semis what I can do.

Q. You've come to the net more than usual. If I'm not wrong, even if you missed your first serve, you had the intention to go to the net in the first and the third set. Can you explain me the strategy. Also the serve and volley, and was it, according to you, the key to you take control of the match in the first set and in the third set also?

JANNIK SINNER: No, I think there were many keys today. You know, tactically and obviously starting with break up in the first and third, it helps you a little bit with the confidence, that what he has done in the second set. But I had some breakpoints to break back; I couldn't. It helped me also mentally to stay there in every moment.

Happy how I handled the situation. It's very tough against him. Yeah, I think it was a great match from both sides. I think the fourth set was then more tough, you know, like because the scoreboard was a bit different.

But no, all things considered, I'm very, very happy, and let's see what I can do now in the semis.

Q. Can you talk about your friendship with Jack who you play next.

JANNIK SINNER: Yeah, we know each other quite well. It's gonna be interesting to see. You know, they made before a question if I played already in juniors against him. I don't remember, but I saw him, for sure. We were not friends there yet, but, you know, after, we played in Queen's.

It's going to be a tough match. He hasn't lost one set yet. He's playing great. He's serving great. I saw also the match today, he's hitting very, very strong.

So it's going to be tough match but I'm looking forward to it and hopefully it's going to be a good match.

Q. You're the only person left with a Grand Slam title left in the men's draw. A big favorite. How do you feel about that tag? Does that affect...

JANNIK SINNER: No, you know, everyone, whoever is in quarters or semis or round of 16, deserves to be there. You know, no win is granted. You know, you always have to find a solution against each opponent. I think that's what I try to do.

Now, you know, the matches are a bit different. Semis, you know, the feelings before the match isn't that different. I'm lucky that I played already with these kind of feelings, but let's see. You know, it's going to be very interesting to see.

I'm happy to be in this position trying to play some great tennis. And as I said, Jack is playing some amazing tennis. You know, maybe the best tennis he's playing until now.

So it's going to be a tough one.

Q. I know you might not remember, but Jack said he remembers playing you in doubles under-18 and he thought you were the weaker player. He wanted to hit it to you, not your partner. You might not remember that match, but what are your memories of him as a junior and being maybe not the strongest player as a junior?

JANNIK SINNER: In juniors, I was never good (smiling). I don't remember playing against him in doubles, but I do remember seeing him from outside. Obviously lefty, it's also tough to see, or there are less lefties than righties. You know, his ball striking was always very, very good.

It was nice to share the court with him in doubles in Montreal. You know, we got to know each other even more. You know, we text each other when we have good or bad times, you know, trying to keep us up. It's a great friendship. Obviously we try to put this away for the hours we are on court. I think that's quite obvious. But, you know, it's whenever we shake our hands, it's again friendship back and all is going to be good.

Yeah, I don't remember so many things when I was juniors. Also, because I didn't play so many, so, yeah.

Q. You just spoke about Jack Draper. How would you describe what you admire most about his game and what you think is the most difficult to deal with?

JANNIK SINNER: He serves great, hits the forehand great, backhand very solid. You know, he's all around very good player. He makes a lot of serve and volleys. Tries to go to the net.

There are many things he's doing great. Also, because he's in the semis of a Grand Slam, so whoever reaches this kind of results, it's going to be a tough match.

Yeah, I mean, he's also moving great. All around, it's going to be a tough match for both of us, in any case. Also, mentally a lot. Semis, they are a bit different than first or second round, so let's see whoever handles this better. And I'm looking forward to it. I played against him in Queen's on grass some years ago, but it's nice to see our process, you know, growing as a player and as a person, so it's good.

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