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September 5, 2024

Sara Errani

Andrea Vavassori

New York, New York, USA

Press Conference


7-6, 7-5

THE MODERATOR: English questions.

Q. Congratulations to you both. Both of you, it's your first mixed slam. Can you both talk about this.

SARA ERRANI: Yeah, in my career, I never play mixed. Was really nice to play for me with Andrea. We are really good friends, so I need to play when I play with someone that I have confidence. I know him. I can tell him what I think.

So I think Andrea is perfect person to do this. We have enjoyed a lot the time outside the court and also on the court. I think we can help each other to improve, so it's really nice, this.

Q. What are your thoughts?

ANDREA VAVASSORI: Yeah, I always wanted to win a slam. Doubles, mixed, I don't care about it. I think write the names, and winning something like this is unbelievable. To accomplish this with Sara is special, because she's a special person, I think.

We need examples in these times, in sports but in life in general, are working, humble, a person that can teach a lot to the person in Italy, to the people in Italy, but also in the world.

So also to me, she give me a lot of confidence in the court. We have similar shot. We always like to fight, to be together in the court.

We had fun. It is a special thing together. I think we can really enjoy also the future to play together next tournaments.

Q. This is a year for Italian tennis in general. Can you both talk about that, gold medal for you.

SARA ERRANI: Unbelievable. Yes, it's incredible year for me, but also for Italy, like you said. Jannik, Jasmine, Simone and him in doubles, me and Jasmine, me, so it's really good moment for Italy, I think. We are very happy to be on that moment (smiling).

Q. Sara, congratulations. Jasmine always give you credit of her success, because it seems she started playing doubles with you. She learned a lot from you, and you gave some, like, advices and tips to her. Can you talk a little bit about what kind of things you taught her or what kind of advices or...

SARA ERRANI: I mean, the first thing is that I love tennis. I love to watch matches, to see, to think about that tactically. Jasmine is a person that she want to improve every day. She's asking me a lot of things. She like to talk with me about her matches, or in doubles, to tell her what she has to improve.

So is really nice way. I love to do that, and if I can help her, even 100% for me is really nice. Jasmine is like with Andrea. I need to play with someone that I have confidence, that I trust him no matter what. So that is the basic for me to play, and with Andrea and Jasmine is what I found. So is really nice.

Q. What was your key to victory today? Did you have to change your strategy after the first set at all?

SARA ERRANI: It was tough to play with them. Two lefties, was tough to return. In the beginning was really tough for both, and then I think we found a little bit the way, even on my serve, to make them think more and not do normal things.

But we know that we were solid. We are solid, we are good on the net, so we are trying to think about that. But was really tough match.

ANDREA VAVASSORI: I think it was very tough, because two lefties are tough in doubles. Also, Taylor can serve pretty well for women. Was not easy to return for both of us.

But Sara's percentage was very high today, helped me a lot. I didn't return very well. Much better in the other matches, but, you know, you have to find a way sometimes, a way to win. We talk a lot during the match, the tactic on her serve. I was covering well the net both sides, so I think we did a good job.

It was not easy, but we played unbelievable tiebreak, like 7-0, in a few minutes. So it was good. Also, at the end, we had opportunity to go away after the 4-1, but they came back and we did a good job at the end.

Q. Sara, what does the season kind of mean for you, not just obviously in doubles, Rome, gold medal, now this, and singles, as well?

SARA ERRANI: Is no words. Is more than a dream. I never dream this, so it's much more. It's unbelievable year. Like you say, in Rome, we did the final in Paris. I play good also in singles. Now this mixed doubles, the medal was the most. I have no words (smiling).

I mean, I couldn't expect this. I'm enjoying a lot. Of course when you win, you enjoy a lot. When you lose, not too much. But you have to stay there, to keep there even in the tough moment, and I think that I did that also.

I'm proud of myself to be there, to be there in the tough moment and to live these moments.

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