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September 6, 2024

Jannik Sinner

New York, New York, USA

Press Conference

J. SINNER/J. Draper

7-5, 7-6, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Jannik, if you could, your thoughts on the win.

JANNIK SINNER: Yeah, tough match. Physical match. Playing against Jack, it's never easy. He served very well.

Yeah, felt like it was a very tough match. So happy to win this one.


Q. You took a tumble and had some attention to your wrist there, or your hand. How is it? How much of a concern is it?

JANNIK SINNER: Yeah, the physio loosen it up very fast on court, so after I felt okay in the beginning. Then after it went away by playing, which is good.

Let's see how it is tomorrow when it's cold. It's gonna be a different feeling. Hopefully is nothing to concern about.

I'm quite relaxed, because if it's something bad, you feel it, no, straightaway a bit more. Yeah, let's see how it is.

Q. Congrats on reaching the final. You said before the tournament it wasn't ideal conditions coming in, given what was happening away from the court. I just wondered now that you're through to the final, how have you been able to compartmentalize all that and keep your focus?

JANNIK SINNER: Yeah, we went just day by day, really, with not so many expectations. Trying to find my game, trying to find our rhythm. I started off the first day losing the first set, I was set and break down going, you know, through that one. Just trying to find confidence throughout the days. We practiced very hard in the days in between, you know, trying to prepare each match in the best possible way.

Yeah, I'm happy to be in the final here. It's a special tournament, so let's see what's coming Sunday.

Q. How strange was it when Jack was being sick on the court and trying to stay focused in your own game? Is that even kind of weirder when it's a good friend of yours who's going through a hard time?

JANNIK SINNER: Yeah, we have, as I said already, we have a good friendship. We know each other quite well. Obviously it's tough for him, for sure. Semis, they are a bit different to play, and in Grand Slams, finals are a bit different. You feel a lot of tension. It's a bit different.

But it was nice to share the court with him. Hopefully we have some more battles in the future, which I'm quite sure about that. You know, he's made his breakthrough this week a little bit, playing some amazing tennis, serving very well. Physically he has improved a lot.

So he's gonna be very tough to beat in the future, for sure. I'm happy for him.

Talking about today, it was very physical, the first two sets. I also felt, you know, physically was very tough, so I tried to stay there in the third set which then brought me, you know, to finish it off in three. So yeah.

Q. To follow up on that, what advice can you give to Jack to deal with that? Because he doesn't have as much experience as you at the high end. Do you think Jack, from what you've seen this fortnight, has the capabilities of perhaps winning a major in the next five years?

JANNIK SINNER: Yeah, I mean, his ball striking and choosing the right shots in the right time. You know, there are some feelings you have with certain players, and he is one of them, I feel like. Everyone has his own time and way and path.

But I'm quite sure, because I know that he's potentially winning some big titles in the future, because he's a tough player to play against, he has a great attitude on the court, he's working hard. These are all things together which, yeah, which is great to see, no?

He's also lefty, it's something different. My point of view, also today he played very well the first couple of sets, and then after he dropped physically a little bit. But yeah, I think we're gonna see him much more from now on.

Q. Jack was just asked what your greatest weakness was, and he said that you were too nice. What do you think of that? What do you think your greatest weakness is?

JANNIK SINNER: What my weakness (smiling)?

Yeah, going for sure on the net, you know, sometimes I miss some volleys. Shot selection sometimes is still, I feel like I can make it a little bit better. There are also some small things, the small details what makes a big difference in high level.

For sure I, me and my team, we know what we have to improve. Like, today maybe I should have gone maybe a little bit more on the net sometimes, and all this stuff.

But, yeah, it takes time, it takes -- it's not like magic, no? You have to go through certain moments. I lost matches, you know, by doing the right things and then you have to keep working on that, and then sometimes I won matches even doing the wrong things. So you always have to talk with your team and trying to find the right balance.

So, yeah, I'm quite sure that I still can improve.

Q. What do you think of Jack's comment that you were too nice?

JANNIK SINNER: No, that's not true (smiling). We know each other very well. We had a chance to play doubles together. We give ourselves sometimes some tactical, you know, for example, when he has to play against certain players, you know, sometimes if he asks me, I give him couple of things trying to play against. Obviously I know I'm righty and he's lefty, so it's completely different.

Yeah, I feel like we are both very nice off the court. We are good friends. On the court, then we try to play some good tennis, and I think that's also what the crowd wants to see. So it's good.

Q. Jannik, they are about to begin their match, the two Americans, Fritz and Tiafoe. Starting first with Taylor, what are your thoughts about the biggest strengths in his game and how you two match up?

JANNIK SINNER: Well, big serve. Very solid player from the back of the court. He can hit strong. He can hit with rotation. He can mix up the game very well. He has played a lot this year, so, you know, he has a lot of rhythm of the match.

Yeah, if he wins or if wins Frances, whoever is going to be in the final, they deserve to be in the final. So it's going to be a tough match, in any case. If it's Frances, we just played the final in Cincinnati. You know, he's a very good mover, a good serve also. He can mix up the game with the slice. You know, he's coming a little bit more to the net than Taylor.

So it's a bit slightly different two players, but yeah, I'm just looking forward for Sunday, and then we see how it goes.

Q. Atmosphere? What are your expectations?

JANNIK SINNER: I mean, it's right, the atmosphere is what's gonna be. I mean, we are in America, we are in New York playing against an American, so it's gonna be, for sure, the crowd a little bit more on their side.

But it's normal. It's like when I play in Italy, no, it's a bit the same. So I'm gonna accept that. I have my team and my people who are close to me. In my mind, I know that there are many people watching from home from Italy, and it's just take some support from them.

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