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September 8, 2024

Daniel Suarez

Hampton, Georgia

Pit Lane Interview

Q. Daniel, looking at the overtime restart, if you could rewrite the script to that, what would be different?

DANIEL SUAREZ: I don't know. I mean, I would have to rewatch everything again. I was pretty confident that the top was going to be better and the 22, he was going to be able to push me like the 1 did in that last restart being on the outside.

I mean, we got a great launch, but we got disconnected too early. That obviously hurt us. The 8 was able to connect for longer and beat us.

A little painful. I feel like we were in position. Sometimes it's very difficult to predict who is going to get the best push, for how long you're going to get it. It's part of the game, right?

We were in contention. The team did an amazing job. The car look amazing, Quaker State. Grateful for the opportunity. We're happy with it, but not satisfied.

Q. The big picture, you had a great points day. How does this set you up for success for the rest of this round?

DANIEL SUAREZ: It was a good day. Every time you get second, it's that close, you feel like you were in position to win, and you didn't win, it doesn't matter if you got a good points day or not. I don't feel really good right now. But it's part of it.

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