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September 8, 2024

Ty Gibbs

Hampton, Georgia

Pit Lane Interview

Q. Ty, not what you wanted today, but...

TY GIBBS: I didn't do a good job blocking. I take responsibility for not finishing great, not finishing good at all. It's my fault.

I glad we finished the race and got some points. Definitely frustrating. We were up there, didn't finish well. It's part of it.

I'm just glad I can walk out of this place with a good finish. Not a good finish 1, but a good points day.

Q. How hard was it to balance a car that can win but you need to finish?

TY GIBBS: Yeah, it's definitely hard 'cause you want to stay out of the wrecks and run up front. All of a sudden it's like a light switch. I made the best of what I had, kept my momentum going, took me to the front. I just didn't do the rest of the job.

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