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September 8, 2024

Joey Logano

Hampton, Georgia

Frontstretch Quotes

An Interview with:

Q. What is it about this team, Joey, that you guys can step up and make a difference in the Playoffs?

JOEY LOGANO: Man, incredible execution from the team. When it's Playoff time, it's our time. As I said, we got to always get the level up when it comes Playoff time.

They gave me a great Autotrader Mustang. She was fast all day. Got stuck in the back a little bit. It was hard to get track position back. Had a good restart and got towards the front. Had my teammate Blaney behind me. That really helped out in the last lap to be able to make sure a Penske car won, ultimately move on to the next round.

Good day for all the Penske cars. Got a lot of stage points as well. Pretty good day today. This is Autotrader's home in Atlanta, Coca-Cola's home in Atlanta. A lot of people here. It's important for us to run good at this track.

There's a lot of memories right here at this start/finish line for me racing Legends cars as a kid. This is really a cool feeling to be out here in a Cup car again.

Q. How much does a win, much less in Atlanta, but in the Playoffs mean to you personally?

JOEY LOGANO: It's always special. But here, I mean, I lived right there in 805 for about six years. It was a lot of time looking at this racetrack, dreaming about going down into turn one.

I can't thank the team enough, like I said, everyone at Penske, Roush Yates engines. Hello to my kids and wife at home. Wish they were down here. But it was a special week coming here before we got here. I got to see one of the squadrons here. Got to spend a lot of time with them before we got here. A heck of a way to top it all off.

Q. Paul said he couldn't take many more of these fuel mileage races. How intense was this race today, much less the end of it?

JOEY LOGANO: I'll take all of them if it's working for us. Bring it on (laughter).

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