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September 1, 2024

Allisen Corpuz

Boston, Massachusetts, USA

TPC Boston

Quick Quotes

Q. Allisen, really good finish, looks like top 5. Tell me how happy you are with the day and the tournament overall.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, really happy with how I played this week. It felt like I've been kind of struggling with the putter all season, and it just felt like I saw a lot of putts go in this whole week.

Really excited with where the game is at, and yeah, looking forward to Solheim.

Q. Did you know where you were in the kind of race, if you will, down the stretch, and did that play at all into how you played your game?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I saw a leaderboard after 13, and honestly, it didn't really change my strategy. Just coming down 18 we were trying to make birdie. We were kind of in between clubs and tried to take a little off the longer club, tried to get it close.

I would say it's really the only thing that changed. Feel like the course plays tough enough, but just give yourself a good birdie look and hope you make it, but it didn't really change too much coming down the stretch.

Q. Obviously our first time at TPC Boston. Overall how did you enjoy the challenge of the new course?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I loved it. Fairways got fast and greens are fast and firm. The guys used to play here, so it's obviously a premier track. Yeah, really enjoyed it. I feel like it set up well for my game, and looking forward to coming back.

Q. 6-under on the front; what went so right, and what did you have for breakfast?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I would say just had a lot of really good numbers into the holes. I just feel like it can get tough here. Not having a perfect club, at least for me, whenever I take some off, I lose some spin, so just had a lot of nice full shots into the greens on the front nine and was able to convert a few long birdie putts, as well.

Q. Was there a moment where you really thought to yourself, I've got a legitimate shot not just to be top 5 but to take this home? What does that feel as a competitor when you're seeing it so well, especially on the front nine?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: I think it's so much fun. I love being out here week in and week out and competing. Just to be near the top of the leaderboard I think is always an adrenaline boost.

But at the end of the day, at the same time, it's just golf, so just trying to go out there and shoot the best that I can. I'm usually not a leaderboard watcher, usually just try to go out there and make as many birdies as I can.

Q. Is that something that you've really incorporated all of your career? Is that something you've had to get used to as you've gone on not necessarily worrying what everyone else is doing around you but just your game itself?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I definitely played around with different approaches and I just feel like that's what's worked best for me.

Q. Obviously your next event will be the Solheim Cup. How excited are you for that, and how is your game feeling heading into that event?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I'm super excited for it, just representing the U.S., being on a team with 11 other amazing women. Really excited for the opportunity to play in my second Solheim Cup. Yeah, game feels really solid, I think. There's always something to clean up, but it felt pretty good out there this week.

Q. How did your experience translate into the Solheim Cup? What will you take from this week, especially confidence, going into that?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, definitely. I feel like I've been putting well, just haven't really been making a lot of putts. Just to be able to see a lot of putts go in under pressure is something that I'll carry forward in two weeks.

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