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September 1, 2024

Asterisk Talley

Sunningdale, England, UK

Quick Quotes

Q. An amazing win over the World No. 1. Describe your emotions.

ASTERISK TALLEY: I was really excited coming into today when I saw I was playing against Lottie Woad. I was really excited. I played with her for the first match with Sara and they both played really well. We tied them, and I was really excited to get to play, just me and Lottie. I knew we'd have a fun match. Lottie is a great player, great person. We had a lot of fun today. It was just fun; I played really good golf today, and I think that's what really took it home.

Q. What were the emotions like when you found out you were going to be playing Lottie? You're 15 years old taking on the World No. 1.

ASTERISK TALLEY: Yeah, it was kind of funny, we were in the team room and they were like, first off, Asterisk with Lottie Woad, and everyone was like, oooh. I knew it was going to be a good match today, we were going to have a lot of fun, there was going to be some great golf out there, and I feel like I just capitalised on a bunch of shots that I left out there earlier in the week.

Q. You mentioned earlier in the week that you don't feel pressure. Did you feel anything out there today?

ASTERISK TALLEY: No, I didn't. A lot of people I bet were thinking that I would have nerves on the first tee, hitting before Lottie, having the honour, and I was actually just feeding off the crowd. It was really fun because I know the crowd out here is a little biased for GB&I, but it was really fun just getting to hit that first tee shot, open up the singles. It was a really great time out there.

Q. What's it been like being a part of a very strong USA Curtis Cup team?

ASTERISK TALLEY: Yeah, it's so exciting. I didn't even think I was going to be here this year. It's just so great to have this opportunity. This is like once in a lifetime, and I feel like I'm going to remember this for the rest of my life. It's amazing; playing in London at 15, it's just amazing just to be here.

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