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September 1, 2024

Sara Byrne

Sunningdale, England, UK

Quick Quotes

Q. An impressive 3 & 2 win. Well played today. You must be pretty happy with yourself.

SARA BYRNE: Yeah, absolutely. I played out of my skin today, exactly how I wanted to do, kind of get the foot down kind of early and just keep it down. I played really really well the last couple holes and got it done.

Q. Describe the emotions now that you've got GB&I's first singles point on the board?

SARA BYRNE: I don't even know how to explain that, to be honest. It's looking a bit red out there at the minute, so to get that point on the board was crucial, and my last ever amateur round, so it's a pretty special feeling, that's for sure.

Q. Curtis Cup is obviously a very different week in the world of amateur golf. How special has it been to be a part of it?

SARA BYRNE: Oh, my God, it's insane. This is a week of dreams. This is why we practice and why we want to play golf. Nine-year-old me wouldn't be able to believe this moment, that's for sure.

Q. You mentioned this is the last amateur round of your career. How do you feel?

SARA BYRNE: I think I'll start to cry a little bit later, but not as of right now. But no, what a way to go out. I couldn't ask for a better way.

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