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September 1, 2024

Jasmine Koo

Sunningdale, England, UK

Quick Quotes

Q. Describe your emotions after that one.

JASMINE KOO: I'm just really glad that I pulled out a point for the team. We all really want this, and I just want to be the most help as possible.

I did my job, and my job right now is to cheer on my teammates for the win.

Q. It's obviously a very close match at the moment. How are you feeling?

JASMINE KOO: I think that we got this. Obviously they really need us because we need as many bodies as possible to beat the GB&I. I think we can do it; I believe in my team.

Q. What's it been like to be a part of this Curtis Cup? It's obviously a very different thing to what you usually experience in amateur golf.

JASMINE KOO: Yeah, honestly I did not think it was going to be this big. But obviously Curtis Cup is Curtis Cup, it's huge, but I came here and I was like, wow, this is the biggest golf tournament I've ever played in, so it was pretty cool.

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