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September 1, 2024

Meghan Stasi

Asterisk Talley

Anna Davis

Sunningdale, England, UK

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: We are here with Captain Meghan Stasi with the U.S. Team as well as players Asterisk Talley and Anna Davis. How proud are you of this team and the fight they showed today?

MEGHAN STASI: Yeah, it was a fight from day one, round one, and just proud of all of them to accomplish what they accomplished throughout the weekend.

Q. Anna, your first Curtis Cup experience. Just talk a little bit about that.

ANNA DAVIS: It's always an honour to play for the U.S., surrounded by great people this week. We played some great golf. It just came down right to the end.

Q. Asterisk, the team obviously got really close with one another. Talk about this team and what they mean to each of you.

ASTERISK TALLEY: Yeah, we had a lot of fun this week. I felt like we really bonded throughout the week. Even if we lost our matches, we still had fun with each other. We got a lot closer. I feel like it was a great bond and we had a lot of fun.

Q. Meghan, we had two teenagers here, so the future of Team USA is bright. Talk a bit about that.

MEGHAN STASI: Yeah, really proud of them. They stepped up. It's not easy. We had a lot of new players, so to represent the U.S. for the first time in a Curtis Cup is pretty amazing what they accomplished for a quick turnaround, just one week at a time.

Q. Meghan, the standard of that contest and the crowds here, is that a really good sign for amateur golf?

MEGHAN STASI: I believe so. It was absolutely incredible what the fans brought, what the girls brought. We lost to birdies. We lost to -- we made birdies and they made eagles sometimes. It was a lot of fun to see what they accomplished.

Q. Asterisk, how proud are you of the performance you were able to put in today, taking down the World No. 1 amateur in Lottie Woad?

ASTERISK TALLEY: Yeah, it was really fun out there today. I played some great golf today. I feel like we both played really good. I just pulled through on some putts that I left out there earlier in the week, and I feel like they all dropped today, and I had a lot of fun.

Q. Did you feel any nerves at all? To just come out and birdie the first three holes in a match of that magnitude, seriously impressive.

ASTERISK TALLEY: No, I feel like I was just excited today. I knew I was going to have a lot of fun out there. I felt like I was going to play good today, and I had a good warm-up. I was just excited to get out there with Lottie and just play my best.

Q. Anna, you also faced one of the big guns on the GB&I team. You must be really pleased with your performance against Hannah.

ANNA DAVIS: Yeah, I am. I played great golf today, very consistent. Finally got a few putts to drop after a few rounds where they just weren't falling. But yeah, I had a good round today.

Q. The golf course itself in the midst of all this, how much do you think the quality of the course contributed to the quality of the play that we saw?

MEGHAN STASI: The golf course setup was absolutely incredible, from just being welcomed from the start, from the staff and the membership, and the greens were rolling absolutely perfect, and just the entire golf course was set up great.

ANNA DAVIS: It was a really good challenge, really challenging golf course. Great for match play. A lot of holes where there's a lot of birdies out there and a lot where you just need to make a par. I think it really tested every part of our game.

ASTERISK TALLEY: Yeah, I feel like it was challenging but also really gettable at the same time. I feel like there were many holes out there where you could get an eagle or you could get a triple bogey, and it doesn't really matter. You get yourself out of position, you can hit three shots out of the heather. It was tough out there.

Q. Meghan, it was obviously a very, very tight match. If ever you wanted to use the cliche of a game of fine margins, where do you think it was ultimately won and lost?

MEGHAN STASI: Honestly, I think just every match from day one, we just had a few missed putts here and there. They made some absolutely incredible up-and-downs, and they made a few longer putts. I think that was really about it.

I think we were strong, and they were just slightly stronger on a few shots here and there.

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