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August 31, 2024

Allisen Corpuz

Boston, Massachusetts, USA

TPC Boston

Quick Quotes

Q. I'm so excited to be here with Allisen Corpuz. I just got to witness some amazing golf out there. How do you feel?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, really solid round. Just feel like I made almost everything I looked at. Hit the ball really solid. Really happy with that.

Q. My question to you from a player, that last shot on 18, that second shot, third shot, was amazing. Was there any doubt in your mind or were you like, no, I'm doing this?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: I feel like there is always a little bit of doubt, but really just making sure you're over the ball, committed, and ready to hit the shot.

Me and Jay always just talk about windows, where you don't have to hit the perfect shot but let's try to get ball to come down in between here and here. Whether it's on the green, off the green, we can figure it out from there.

Q. I was like, that is why I'm commentating. Did you ever think I would be commentating for you? We've grown up together since we were little. This is like a little kid moment for me. I'm interviewing the U.S. Open champ.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: We met when I was 12 I think.

Q. I know.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: It's just awesome to see where we both are. Yeah, still always just feels like a dream come true to be out here.

Q. I get to go with her all week in the Solheim Cup and hopefully tomorrow. Go, girl.


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