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August 31, 2024

Jeeno Thitikul

Boston, Massachusetts, USA

TPC Boston

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Jeeno Thitikul after her third round at the FM Championship. Just tell us a little bit your impressions about the day today. Did you feel like it went really well out there? Just some thoughts?

JEENO THITIKUL: Yeah, it is, especially the four birdies in a row keep it really good for today.

Q. Yeah, that was holes 9 through 12, right?


Q. Can you just tell us a little bit about some of those birdies and how you got that momentum going at the turn?

JEENO THITIKUL: Actually I think I -- me and my caddie like talking pretty good about the line. I mean, we just like -- I knew I kind of read it like good, but like if -- having him confirming what I thought, it's make me like more confident to hit the ball to putt it, and then hit it pretty good for all four holes and then made the putt.

Q. Impressions on tomorrow. I know the course was -- I don't know if it was hard today or of it felt easier today, but what are you expecting tomorrow out of TPC Boston?

JEENO THITIKUL: Like I said first day to now, I still feel it's tough to play. If you miss the green it's -- you might got a really, you know, like challenging to get up and down.

Because like the rough is kind of hard to predict the ball is going to run out or not really. It's like the rough is not that kind of easy to judge, so I think keep the ball on the green should be a big key for tomorrow.

Q. Do you think with the lead gap closed a little bit, do you think this is a course you can be aggressive on and sort of will you be able to chase the leader?

JEENO THITIKUL: I think depends on the shot that you have. Like I said, sometime if you be aggressive on it, but like if you miss the green, like I said, it's kind of challenging to make up and down.

Not like other course that kind of easier than this course. But I mean, like I think it's -- if it's tough for one of us it's tough for everyone.

It's depend on tomorrow who is the best and get it.

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