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August 31, 2024

Allisen Corpuz

Boston, Massachusetts, USA

TPC Boston

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Allisen Corpuz after her third round at the FM Championship. Solid round today to move your way up the leaderboard a little bit. Talk about how you felt like you played out there.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I mean it was really solid out there today. Kind of a slow start. Feel like didn't really make a birdie until No. 7. Actually made a pretty long putt there.

But overall played really solid. Made some really, really good up and downs for par. Really happy with how I played today.

Q. Looking at the past three rounds, what do you think has stuck out in your game to get you to this point?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I feel like I just felt really comfortable with the putter this week. Been seeing a lot more putts go in.

Just the course I think really suits my eye. Even during the practice round I told Jay, hey, this course looks really, really good to me.

Yeah, I mean, like I like the look of it. Just have had some really good numbers into the greens. Been able to get a few close and make the birdie putts.

Q. You mentioned before about the windows thing that you and Jay talk about. I thought that was very interesting to hear. Talk about that more here, especially how it sticks out on a course like this and how it helps.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I like defining the course. That's something we do pretty much everywhere we go. You know, where is the left edge of the fairway; where is the right edge of the fairway. Kind of like a little touchdown window where I want the ball to come down. I think that just kind of helps to take some pressure off me. Like I said, you don't always have to hit the perfect shot. It just has to be in the right spot.

So really just trying to get the numbers right and be in that window.

Q. The course played shorter today. Any specific holes or couple holes that you thought by moving the tees up played into your advantage?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, let's see. 2 was up. Didn't make the birdie but just feel like just having the chance to go for it, we definitely considered it. I think it was just too far for me.

3 was up.

4 was up.

7 was actually back today. That was the first time it was back, which honestly I think does suit me a little better, making it a little longer. I'm not really a bomber, so to kind of level the playing field and everyone has to layup short of that bunker I think definitely helped me today.

We were also up on a few of the back nine holes. I think being able to have a shorter club into the green, especially with how firm and bouncy the greens have been, definitely helps.

Q. How different of a look is 18 when the tees are up the way they were today?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Fairway becomes a lot narrower. Thought I hit a pretty good drive and hopped through into the thick stuff.

I wouldn't be surprised from some of the longer plays can go for it in two. Looked like the group in front of us was waiting.

Definitely a good risk/reward hole. All the stuff in front but if you hit a good shot it can definitely pay off.

Q. What's the routine heading into the final round?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Keep it the same and been playing great all week and don't feel like I need to change anything.

Q. You were in that group ahead of Megan and Lexi and they had a good following. Some leaked into yours I'm sure up what's it like today?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: I think it's awesome. Any time we get the support for women's golf, and especially being a close friend of Megan's. We were walking down 2 fairway and we hear people yelling. I'm so stoked for her to have the opportunity to play at home.

Yeah, just great energy, especially leading into Solheim. The crowds will be insane there as well. Yeah, I love just having fans coming out and support.

Q. And near the top of the leaderboard. Been in this position before. Anything to remind yourself heading into tomorrow?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I think I've always just played my best kind of playing my own game. You know, the win doesn't always happen, but you're never going to be unhappy going out and playing your best.

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