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August 31, 2024

Alexandra Forsterling

Boston, Massachusetts, USA

TPC Boston

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Alexandra Forsterling after her third round at the FM Championship. Just talk about your round today as a whole and how you felt like I played out there.

ALEXANDRA FORSTERLING: I would say overall pretty good. I got off to like a little rough start, I was actually 2-over after three I think, so that's why it's really nice to see how I finished.

Yeah, just I mean my putter was really good and I think that helped a lot.

Q. Finished with a birdie on 18. I've been just fascinated by that hole this week. Can you describe it to me as a player, what your thought process is as you head to the tee box there?

ALEXANDRA FORSTERLING: Today the tee was put up a little bit so obviously we had a little bit shorter in. But, yeah, definitely is kind of a weird hole because either like you have a really short layup or you have a shorter layup or you go for it.

My drive was good enough so I could go for it and also the wind was helping so that gave my a little bit of confidence in my second shot. I can see -- just because the green is so tough I can see it plays so differently. Depends what kick you get and like what break you get, yeah.

Q. Tomorrow coming down the stretch there, what are you expecting from that hole to finish up the tournament?

ALEXANDRA FORSTERLING: Well, good question. I think it really depends where the tee is. Either you hit driver off the tee or only a short wood off the tee and layup.

So I think it really depends on that and how the wind is, too.

Q. Just wondering if you had ever played anywhere near here before and what did you think of the course?

ALEXANDRA FORSTERLING: I have actually not. No, it's my first time in Boston and I think the course is great. Looks really nice. It's also nice to hear that men have played here before, but think it's in amazing shape.

Greens are really, really nice. It's great to putt on them, and, yeah, a lot of fun.

Q. How do the crowds compare to a typical LPGA Tour event?

ALEXANDRA FORSTERLING: Oh, it's pretty average. A lot of people cheering, which is nice. And a lot of kids, which is great to see. So, yeah.

Q. Would you like to see more tournaments closer to this one so you're not -- don't have to travel as far to get here?

ALEXANDRA FORSTERLING: Yeah, definitely. It's nice if everything is close together or we can like drive to the next tournament or something. I think it's a really great area also for me coming from Europe. It's always really short flight for me, so that's why, yeah, obviously would be amazing to have more tournaments out here.

Q. One last question: Alexa Pano obviously missed the cut. She's from around here. What do you think of her game and future?

ALEXANDRA FORSTERLING: From what I saw, I saw her play last week and I mean, she played great from what I saw. So, yeah, no, I think she's playing really good.

Q. One last question from me. Near the top of the leaderboard right now. What are your thoughts headed into tomorrow's round?

ALEXANDRA FORSTERLING: I think really try to do the same again. I won't change much. I mean, nothing really changed only because I'm on top of the leaderboard now. I try to not stress myself too much. Stick to the game plan. Really try to make committed swings and, yeah, go from there. See where they end up and hit the next one.

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