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August 31, 2024

Rachel Kuehn

Megan Schofill

Sunningdale, England, UK

Quick Quotes

Q. Megan and Rachel, that was an incredible finish. How did it feel to be involved in that?

RACHEL KUEHN: Yeah, it was a great match. We were back and forth all day. They played really well, and I felt like we hit some really nice golf shots, too. I think we struggled a little bit to get some momentum. I think a lot of times one of us was kind of out of the hole, which is never great in four-ball, but was definitely glad to see a couple drop on 16 and 17, and glad to get out of here with a half.

Q. Obviously very dramatic event on 16 and then your putt on 17. Tell us what you were thinking.

MEGAN SCHOFILL: Yeah, I had finally hit some decent golf shots in a row, and I knew I was kind of due to make a putt. I had definitely struggled with the longer putts. I was really just trying to have good speed and just get a par and just make sure to extend the match, so making it really felt like stealing one. I was just really hoping Lottie wasn't going to make it on top of me.

Q. What did it feel like when that putt dropped and also the reaction of the team behind the green because that must have given you a lot of energy there.

MEGAN SCHOFILL: Yeah, it was really exciting. I know we fed off that, and it was just a boost of confidence and just kind of feeling like things are starting to go our way a little bit and just really great to take the momentum into tomorrow.

Q. Obviously a crucial half point for the team going into tomorrow.

RACHEL KUEHN: Yeah, our motto this week has been that every half point counts because what you don't want to do is be down one or two and kind of just give up because at the end of the day if you can battle back and get a half point or a full point, that gets us closer to hopefully retaining or winning the Cup.

I definitely think when we were 1-down we were thinking, okay, how can we battle back and at least try to get a half out of here. I think we were really pleased with it, and hopefully it gives us and our team a little bit of momentum going into tomorrow.

Q. You've had a lot of Curtis Cup experience. Today must be one of the more dramatic days of your matches coming up 18?

RACHEL KUEHN: Yeah, it's been a long day. I'm ready for some sleep. But definitely I think it's been exciting today. Probably one of the more exciting days of my three Curtis Cups. I got to play Lottie and Sara in both matches. They're great friends, so we had great times, but definitely I think there's going to be some drama going on tomorrow.

Q. Megan, for your first experience at the Curtis Cup to be involved in a day like that --

MEGAN SCHOFILL: Yeah, it definitely was great. I've made it to 18 in my two previous matches and have lost to birdie. Definitely I was really happy to get a half point and just kind of know that I have a half a point on the board for myself and for my team, and I'm just really excited to take it into tomorrow.

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