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August 31, 2024

Lottie Woad

Sara Byrne

Sunningdale, England, UK

Quick Quotes

Q. Watching Sara, that was a dramatic finish on 18. What were you feeling as that came to an end?

LOTTIE WOAD: Yeah, we were obviously 1-down going down the last, so we said walking up, let's go win this hole. It was a bit different to yesterday when we lost it, so it definitely feels a lot nicer.

Q. You're the only pair so far to have played together in all three sessions. What do you think makes you work so well as a pair?

SARA BYRNE: I think we just get on so well, and I think we're minding our own business. We're kind of just focusing on ourselves. We're not caring what the others do. It's just like we're trying to get as low as possible and just enjoy every minute of it, and that's exactly what we're doing.

Q. Lottie, some amazing moments from Sara on that back nine: 10, 11, 13, 15. How impressive was that to watch?

LOTTIE WOAD: Yeah, it was great. The bunker shot on 10, I didn't put her in the best place, but she managed to stiff it, so that was all good. We hit a great shot into 11 and managed to hole the putt to get us, I think, 1-up at that point, so definitely gave us some momentum.

Q. Sara, you talk about momentum, it must give the team a lot of momentum getting a half on the last green?

SARA BYRNE: Yeah, absolutely. I think we're going into every session to just either get a half or a win every session, so coming out of this hopefully we'll be halved or whatever it is going to end up. Getting the half point, it's vital in these kind of moments, so absolutely it's definitely going to give us momentum for coming matches.

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