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August 30, 2024

Sam Burns

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

East Lake Golf Club

Quick Quotes

SAM BURNS: I played really well today. Hit a lot ever really good putts that didn't go in. Just kind of one of those days. I think I played pretty nice.

Q. You probably in the field know Scottie Scheffler's game more than anybody. When you see him with a large lead heading into the weekend, what is your mindset?

SAM BURNS: Yeah, I need to make a lot of birdies. He's the best golfer on the planet. He's really good with leads. It's not a great thing for us.

Q. Is it safe to say you are not expecting him to come back?

SAM BURNS: I am not expecting him to come back in the slightest. Somebody is going to have to go chase him down. I think if you drive the ball well around here, get yourself in position enough and you have a good day with the irons and make some putts, I think a low score is to be had. When you get the ball out of position on this golf course, especially with firmer greens, it makes it pretty tough.

Q. Do you spend much time looking at the leaderboards in this tournament when you start behind and Scottie is up there?

SAM BURNS: Not really. Not when I'm 11-under and he's at 20. I'm nine shots off the lead. There's not really a point.

Q. You said the iron play has been better recently. Anything specifically in your swing that you've done?

SAM BURNS: Not really. For me it starts with my takeaway. If I get my takeaway the way I want it, that sets everything else up, and I feel like that's improved in the last few weeks.

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