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August 30, 2024

Haeran Ryu

Boston, Massachusetts, USA

TPC Boston

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, welcome Haeran to the media center Haeran at the FM Championship. You really had a good day today, didn't you? Can you just take us through your 10-under round.

HAERAN RYU: Yeah, I think, I mean, just an amazing day because my shots, everything next to the hole and my putt, everything get in the hole.

I just said for the amazing day, yeah.

Q. After yesterday's round, you had a good round, but did you think this kind of round, a 10-under, was out there?

HAERAN RYU: No, because the green is so small and the course condition is really firm this week, but I love that condition because my shot is really accurate than another players, so I love this course.

This green is so clear so I just trust my stroke and made so many birdies today. So, yeah, I like it. I think it's a little low shot players, it's a little bit tough to the course. But, yeah, that is so hard for the players, yeah.

Q. You said obviously you're very accurate. With these tiny greens were you really attacking the pins today, going for a lot of pins?

HAERAN RYU: No. I just want to use the next to the hole's mountain because this green is so narrow. It's a little slow next to the greens, but I think today a little more lucky.

Yeah, I just try to the next hole, but I just want to use that hilly, yeah.

Q. When you were going on stretches where you're making four birdies in a row, what's going through your mind?

HAERAN RYU: Because my best score on the LPGA Tour is 8-under, so I just want to make some new score. So I just said keep going, keep going, just one more. That's it. Yeah, and make some birdie.

Q. When you look ahead to the next 36 holes, how do you take this and use it as motivation or inspiration for your next 36 holes?

HAERAN RYU: Yeah, I mean, today shots really good, but we have two more rounds, so I just want to try to more accurate for my iron and keep fairway for my driver.

So I think more practice on the range after lunch.

Q. Wanted to ask you about the approach shot on 15. Did you think it went in the way the crowd reacted near the green?

HAERAN RYU: 15? Yeah.

Q. Your partners gave you a high five.

HAERAN RYU: My mom's reaction is almost getting the eagle, but the ball still on the green. It's just a fun facts for today. My mom is really happy to the next -- in the hole, but just the ball is next to the hole.

Yeah, just for ten seconds I just think, oh, I got an eagle. Just birdie, yeah.

Q. How far was it from the hole?

HAERAN RYU: One and a half meters. Yeah. Not too close. (Laughter.)

Q. But you settled in and sank the birdie putt. That must have felt good.

HAERAN RYU: Yeah, that is lucky, because at the hole 16 that is a par-3, so I think oh, my God it's a little over the green I think. But just came back to the hilly, so I think that is thank for the God, yeah.

Q. Your tee shot on 16 kind of hit the fringe on the right.

HAERAN RYU: Yeah, right.

Q. You gave a look like you were kind of surprised.

HAERAN RYU: Yeah, because I just want to hit it next to the hole but my ball just pass the hole, and then it's a little more pass it on the greens, so oh, my God this is tough second shot there.

But it came back, yeah.

Q. I notice one of your head covers looks like Bigfoot is on there. Is there a story behind that?

HAERAN RYU: That is the KPMG's Champion's bag. TaylorMade makes them for every major tournament. They said for me you want to do some good cover or good bag you can use that. Okay, but I love that covers, yeah.

Q. Do you like Bigfoot? Do you follow that television show at all?

HAERAN RYU: Yeah, I liked it. Maybe.

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