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August 30, 2024

Lottie Woad

Sara Byrne

Sunningdale, England, UK

Quick Quotes

Q. Sara, obviously a very emotional finish to that match to get it done.

SARA BYRNE: Yeah, absolutely. I think honestly it's a dream finish that anyone could ask for. But I've been waiting for something to drop, and it finally did at the right time, thankfully.

Q. You guys have tied the match going into tomorrow. You guys must be pretty happy with your work after day one.

LOTTIE WOAD: Yeah, definitely. The matches this morning could have gone either way and kind of got the momentum going this afternoon. So just kind of going to try and use that tomorrow.

Q. What was it like standing on the sideline, so to speak, watching Sara hole that bomb on 16 and then chip in on 17?

LOTTIE WOAD: Yeah, it was great. She early called the one on 16; I was like, oh, this is going in, and then kind of thought, oh, I have a good look on 15, but I was like, you know, Sara is chipping great; you never know. Then straight -- never looked anywhere else. I just kind of went crazy.

Q. What was it like seeing that ball drop on 17, Sara?

SARA BYRNE: Honestly, I can barely remember it now at this point. I kind of went a bit crazy there, and it was so nice having the whole team right behind us there, cheering us all on. I think we had everyone; we had all my friends, all my family. I think every spectator was there with our whole team, which was really, really special. A memory I'll never forget.

Q. How do you regroup ahead of tomorrow? Obviously need to put day one behind you and you've got another day tomorrow.

SARA BYRNE: Yeah, absolutely. I think this is just giving us momentum to put the foot down. It's still only day one; we still have two days left to go, and it's nice to have a little bit of momentum behind us, but we have a big job to do still.

Q. Lottie, just a quick comment on the golf course today. Sunningdale looked like it was playing amazingly?

LOTTIE WOAD: Yeah, it's always so pure whenever I play here, and the greens are rolling so good, and there's not really anything wrong with it, so it's a pleasure to play it.

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