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August 30, 2024

Melanie Green

Rachel Kuehn

Sunningdale, England, UK

Quick Quotes

Q. Melanie, Rachel, very well played this morning. Must be very satisfying to start the match with a performance like that.

RACHEL KUEHN: Yeah, I think we got out of the gates running, made birdie on the first, and we never really took our foot off the gas. Melanie played great, and I tried to hold up my end of the bargain. But no, I definitely think we fed off each other's energy. We've made really good foursomes pairings in the past at Palmer Cup, so was glad I got to play with her again and glad we could point a put on the board for the U.S.

Q. You were both outstanding on the greens today it seemed; a lot of putts dropped.

MELANIE GREEN: Yeah, for sure. I would say watching her in the practice rounds during everything, I had to take my putter home and have a little conversation with it last night. But yeah, we both played really well.

Q. Can you talk about the putt on 5? You seemed to be walking it in about five feet from the hole.

MELANIE GREEN: I was just giving it extra emphasis, yeah. That's all I've got to say about it. It went in.

Q. We've got a wonderful golf course, superb weather, great crowd; how cool is it to be playing in this sort of atmosphere?

RACHEL KUEHN: Yeah, I don't think any of us could have dreamed it up any better. The weather has been absolutely perfect. The golf course is immaculate in layout and in condition.

Obviously we're up against a crowd for the GB&I team, but we have some friends and family here, so the atmosphere is incredible, and I think we're really leaning each other other as teammates and we're going to go pull on our teammates now, too.

Q. You mentioned the crowd; definitely some U.S. support out there, too. We heard some good cheers.

MELANIE GREEN: For sure. But the crowd doesn't matter when you've got a partner like Kuehn walking around all day, so it's fine. We've got lots of energy just in this little body frame right here, so we're good.

Q. Are you going to go and catch the second and third match?

RACHEL KUEHN: Yeah, definitely we are.


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