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August 30, 2024

Jasmine Koo

Zoe Campos

Sunningdale, England, UK

Quick Quotes

Q. What is your evaluation of the first foursomes match here?

JASMINE KOO: Well, the course is really tough, and I think both of us played really well. I think we halved only three, four holes, maybe more come down the stretch. But it was just a bunch of pressure.

ZOE CAMPOS: Yeah, a lot of up-and-down, but glad to have a half instead of a loss.

Q. It was obviously a very topsy-turvy match with a little bit of drama on the 10th. Can you talk to us about what happened there?

ZOE CAMPOS: So basically what happened was I hit my putt and then I had like a foot left, and it was just out of habit I just picked up the ball, and it was never good. It was my fault. It was not their fault. I don't want them to feel bad about it or anything. They were truthful about we didn't give you that putt, and that is a one-stroke penalty, so that's why we took the six and lost the hole.

Q. Before the final match is obviously finished on 18 here, U.S. have already managed to halve in this first session. Does that fill you with a bit of confidence heading into this afternoon?

ZOE CAMPOS: Yeah, definitely. A half is always good. I thought we both played well out there. Definitely going to use that last hole as fuel going into the next match.

Q. How are your games feeling heading into the afternoon?

ZOE CAMPOS: Pretty good. Pretty confident. Just excited for another round.

Q. Comments on Sunningdale; it obviously looked like the course is in amazing condition.

JASMINE KOO: Yeah, Sunningdale is playing harder than the past couple days, past two days. Definitely greens have firmed up, but wonderful match play course, like we all said.

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