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August 30, 2024

Catherine Park

Asterisk Talley

Sunningdale, England, UK

Quick Quotes

Q. Catherine, that must feel like a win there, especially what you did over those closing two holes.

CATHERINE PARK: Yeah, it was kind of tough, but it was a strong last two holes with her hitting that clutch shot on 17 and --

ASTERISK TALLEY: -- making a clutch putt. But we were kind of in a spot where we couldn't really do anything. Of course you're 2-down with two to play, all you're trying to do is win, and I feel like we didn't really have the mindset of giving up. We just went full on and then it kind of worked out.

Q. Such a great start; you were dovetailing so well. What was the key to that start for you?

CATHERINE PARK: It was more we trusted each other. We gave each other good shots, good putts. We did have a hiccup towards the middle and then Lottie was hitting great shots and Sara was making good putts, but we still fought through. There was a lot of holes left. Kept telling each other that, keeping us hyped with our captain with us and our teammates out here cheering us on.

Q. I think you holed a lovely birdie putt on 6. At that point I think you were cruising. No nerves that you felt about this week?

ASTERISK TALLEY: No, I feel like me and Catherine are really comfortable with our games for each other. I feel like they complement each other. Everyone was out there supporting us. I feel like it was really nice to have our captain out there and our team cheering us on toward the end. I feel like that's what really helped us close it out there.

Q. Lottie, as you say, started to play some great golf; almost had a hole-in-one on 15. Were you getting worried?

CATHERINE PARK: We were like, oh, but just pick it up. But there was still three holes left, and we were 2-down, but that never means to let the match go, and anything can happen, especially on this golf course. The greens were fast. The balls roll out. So it was just staying in the game and not getting too ahead of ourselves.

Q. Tell us about the experience of the first morning. Glorious sunshine, great crowds?

CATHERINE PARK: Oh, it was a little bit nerve-racking hitting that first tee off of 1, having everyone lined up left, but it was more exciting and an honour to come out here and play for Team USA, doing that last tee shot of the day and having the crowds cheer on.

Q. How was the experience?

ASTERISK TALLEY: Oh, it was amazing. I feel like it is nerve-racking when they're lining up on both sides of the fairway and you don't want to kill anybody. But it is such an honour to get to play for your country here, especially when you're in an away venue. I feel like it's just a great honour to be here and I feel like we're all going to have a great time no matter what happens.

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