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August 30, 2024

Jorge Campillo

Sutton, Coldfield, England

The Belfry Hotel & Resort

Quick Quotes

Q. A flawless scorecard today. How would you evaluate your performance?

JORGE CAMPILLO: It was good. It wasn't very good off the tee and middle of the round, but I hit my irons quite good and made some long putts, so that made it easy.

Q. You're balancing your time playing in the states and also here on the DP World Tour. Is it good to be back?

JORGE CAMPILLO: Definitely. Way too many trips over the Atlantic. But it was a good experience. But it's definitely nice to be back, especially you get a day like this in the U.K. and crowds like this, it's very nice.

Q. British sun is very good.

JORGE CAMPILLO: Wait until tomorrow or next week, or in two weeks.

Q. We've seen some low scores out there. Why do you think that is?

JORGE CAMPILLO: You think? Well, maybe not much wind. But I think that the pins were a little harder today, Mito Pereira, really. The guys are too good, I guess. To me it was playing quite similar to yesterday afternoon. The greens were a little softer in the morning and they warrant rolling much with the poa annua greens. Maybe that's why.

Q. How have you worked out this golf course? What does it take to dominate the Brabazon?

JORGE CAMPILLO: I like it. I enjoy playing here. Although I missed the last three cuts in this tournament but I played four years ago I played good. But I enjoy it. It's a good challenge. You have some nice par 3s, a few short par 5s that you can birdie. Also, strong par 4s.

I enjoy it. Really nice golf course. Makes you think off the tee, and to go for the greens is very nice.

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