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August 30, 2024

Asterisk Talley

Jasmine Koo

Sunningdale, England, UK

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Jasmine Koo and Asterisk Talley after their win in the four-ball this afternoon. How good does it feel to get that win on the board?

JASMINE KOO: For me it feels really good because in the morning I halved my match, and it made me want to win even more for this one. It feels really good to me.

ASTERISK TALLEY: Yeah, me and her both. We both had some tough matches in the morning. Me and Catherine fought back to tie, so it felt good to finish early and to win a match finally.

Q. Obviously you guys got off to a very fast start and then the GB&I team slowly came back at you. How did you compose yourselves?

JASMINE KOO: I think the entire match there was really no up and down. We just enjoyed it from the very beginning.

ASTERISK TALLEY: She was, like, on fire. She made every putt. We had, like, four birdies in a row to start. Like what?

JASMINE KOO: Yeah, the entire time we were just giggling having fun. Over the golf ball we were serious. When they were coming back, I felt it a little bit. I don't know about you. But to each other we were just the same.

ASTERISK TALLEY: Yeah, we didn't really care. I feel like when we were down or getting beaten, I feel like we were just kind of in cruise control, and then we just stepped on the pedal for the last couple holes.

Q. You obviously holed some key putts yourself, Asterisk.

ASTERISK TALLEY: I mean, I'm just having fun. I just had a great time. When putts rolled in, they rolled in, and I feel like we both played well. We didn't really have any terrible holes. I feel like we just hit fairways and greens and then it all worked out.

Q. You guys obviously pair very well together.



JASMINE KOO: We've known each other since I was like 15 and she was like 12. So we've played junior golf since forever, and now that we're teammates, it's pretty cool.

ASTERISK TALLEY: It's just, like, carried on forever.

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