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August 30, 2024

Niklas Norgaard

Sutton, Coldfield, England

The Belfry Hotel & Resort

Quick Quotes

Q. Despite the bogey on the last, overall how would you evaluate your performance

NIKLAS NORGAARD: It's been a really good day. Feel quite comfortable. I really like this course. It's just last year, I was close up there and it just really suits my eye, and I feel good out there and I see a lot of opportunities. So yeah, it's been a good day.

Q. Last year you finished solo second, but what is it about this golf course where it does really play to your strengths?

NIKLAS NORGAARD: I think I'm just hitting a lot of drivers out here. Of course, for me to hit a driver, and if I hit it straight, I'm in a good position. I just think for this course, just a lot of drivers, a lot of wedges and a lot of putts inside ten feet.

Q. It's firmer conditions this year compared to last year. Obviously you are the power player. With the firmer conditions, means the fairways play tighter and smaller than last year. Do you think that's the sort of strategy that you're looking to continue into the weekend even?

NIKLAS NORGAARD: I think I would rather want it wet so we would all have to carry longer. That would be an advantage for me. At the moment my driver is by far my sharpest weapon. So I use it pretty much everywhere.

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