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August 29, 2024

Allisen Corpuz

Boston, Massachusetts, USA

TPC Boston

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Allisen Corpuz after the first round the FM Championship opening round. Talk about how you felt like you played out there to start the week.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, felt pretty solid out there. I feel like lately I haven't really been putting as well as I hope to. Saw a lot of putts drop today which is always really nice.

Hit the ball pretty solid. The times that I did miss it I feel like I missed in the right spots and was able to make up and down.

Yeah, pretty good momentum. Looking forward to the rest of he week.

Q. Talking about putting, there has been a few comments about the greens and how to handle them, especially in the afternoon wave. Talk about the course conditions you saw and how you adjusted.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I think the big adjustment is coming over from Scotland really how slow they were and how fast they are this week. No, they always get a little bumpy in the afternoon, but I also felt like some of the pins weren't super accessible.

Really just trying to make a good run at birdie and then walk away with par.

Q. How do did you stay patient on courses like this, too, where getting a birdie is a good opportunity when you have it?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, just kind of knowing that the whole field is probably struggling with the same thing, just trying to hit good shots. I kind of always tell myself like all I can do is my best. Just see what happens from there.

Q. And playing in the morning tomorrow, how do you think it might play a little different?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I think probably be a little wet just starting out. Might play a little longer. Greens will definitely roll a little bit better. I just think there is a lot of opportunities, and, yeah, just a few holes where par is always going to be a really good score.

Q. I have to ask, a lot the Solheim Cup excitement going on this past week. How excited are you, and especially too seeing you all get along, what do you think makes this team so special?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, every Solheim Cup and every opportunity that you have to represent the U.S. is always really meaningful. Just to be able to go out and know that I'll be playing with a bunch of my friends is always awesome.

Yeah, just being a part of a team is always really special.

Q. What's it like this week seeing people you know will be on the team in the field just getting prepared for it?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I think it's great momentum seeing people play well. I just feel like everyone so far has had a really solid season. Yeah, looking forward to continue that two weeks from now.

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